Customized Applications of pyDeltaRCM¶
Below is a “model zoo” containing a list with links to customized subclasses of the pyDeltaRCM found “in the wild”. If you have a implemented a custom subclass of the model and would like us to highlight it here please reach out or open a pull request!
Link: VegetationModel
This implementation of the pyDeltaRCM model is based off of the “DeltaRCM Vegetation” model presented in Lauzon and Murray (2018).
Link: MississippiFaultsModel
This implementation of the pyDeltaRCM model is used in the paper Moodie and Passalacqua (2021) to simulate a Mississippi River-like delta.
Link: SelengaModel
This implementation of the pyDeltaRCM model is used in the paper Moodie and Passalacqua (2021) to simulate a Selenga River-like delta.
Link: VariableSLRModel
This implementation of the pyDeltaRCM model is used in the paper Hariharan et al (2022) to simulate variable sea level rise scenarios.