************ Installing ************ We recommend installing *pyDeltaRCM* in a virtual environment. That said, *pyDeltaRCM* depends on a small number of packages (:ref:`list of dependencies `), many of which are likely already in a Python user/developer's regular use, so it's probably safe to install *pyDeltaRCM* in your base environment, too. Installing ========== We describe installation flavors for both users and developers below. .. hint:: If you are looking to make any modifications to the model source code, you should follow the developer instructions. We suggest using the Anaconda Python distribution, which you can obtain via `the project website `_. Before proceeding, you may wish to create a virtual environment for the *pyDeltaRCM* project. With Anaconda on Linux: .. code:: console $ conda create -n deltarcm python=3 $ conda activate deltarcm For more informtaion, see `this guide `_ for help on creating and activating a virtual environment with Anaconda on other platforms. See `this helpful guide `_ for creating virtual environments with `venv` if you do not use Anaconda. User installation ----------------- For a user installation, simply install from the pypi package repository: .. code:: console $ pip install pyDeltaRCM .. note:: You may need to `first install `_ `pip`. .. _dev-install: Developer installation ---------------------- For a developer installation, you should first fork the repository on Github. This will allow you to submit suggestions and contribute to *pyDeltaRCM*. .. note:: You do not *need* to create a fork if your are just testing, but it may save you time and headache down the road. If you choose not to, just use the main repository url below (https://github.com/DeltaRCM/pyDeltaRCM). First, you will need to `install git `_ if you do not already have it. Then, download or clone your fork of the project: .. code:: console $ git clone https://github.com//pyDeltaRCM.git Then, with current working directory as the root of the repository (e.g., ``cd pyDeltaRCM``), run the following commands: .. code:: console $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ pip install -r requirements-docs.txt $ pip install -r requirements-test.txt $ pip install -e . To check installation, run the complete test suite with: .. code:: console $ pytest --mpl --mpl-baseline-path=tests/imgs_baseline Finally, add the `upstream` repository to your `remote` repository list: .. code:: console $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/DeltaRCM/pyDeltaRCM.git You can build a local copy of the documentation with: .. code:: console $ (cd docs && make html) Next steps ========== Consider reading through the :doc:`10-minute tutorial ` or the :doc:`User Guide ` to help get you started using *pyDeltaRCM*. .. _dependencies-list: Dependencies ============ .. literalinclude:: ../../../requirements.txt :linenos: