Computing a sedimentograph for sand fraction and for preserved time ------------------------------------------------------------------- In this example, we explore the sedimentograph [1]_. The sedimentograph is a measure of sand fraction of delta stratigraphy. In this implementation, a series of concentric CircularSection are drawn with increasing radius, so the sedimentograph is a function of space. First, a simple example of computing the sedimentograph, using the :obj:`~deltametrics.strat.compute_sedimentograph` function. By default, the function will generate two bins for the data input for the ``sediment_volume`` argument, with the bin divider in the data-range midpoint (i.e., ``0.5`` for ``sandfrac`` data). .. plot:: :include-source: :context: reset # set up the data source golfcube = golfstrat = dm.cube.StratigraphyCube.from_DataCube(golfcube, dz=0.05) background = (golfstrat.Z < np.min(golfcube['eta'].data, axis=0)) frozen_sand = golfstrat.export_frozen_variable('sandfrac') (sedimentograph, section_radii, sediment_bins) = dm.strat.compute_sedimentograph( frozen_sand, num_sections=50, last_section_radius=2750, background=background, origin_idx=[golfcube.meta['L0'], golfcube.meta['CTR']]) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot( section_radii, sedimentograph[:, 1], # plot only the second bin (sandfrac > 0.5) 'o-') ax.set_xlabel('radial distance from apex (m)') ax.set_ylabel('stratigraphy "sandfrac" fraction > 0.5') We can mask a portion of the domain, and compute the sedimentograph over just a portion of the domain. The result is a (only slightly) different sedimentograph. .. plot:: :include-source: :context: GM = dm.mask.GeometricMask( golfcube['eta'][-1], angular=dict( theta1=np.pi/8, theta2=np.pi/2-(np.pi/8)) ) GM_mask_strat = np.tile(GM.mask, (golfstrat.shape[0], 1, 1)) # a mask with same dimensions as stratigraphy frozen_sand_mask = frozen_sand.where(GM_mask_strat, np.nan) (sedimentograph2, section_radii2, sediment_bins2) = dm.strat.compute_sedimentograph( frozen_sand_mask, num_sections=50, # last_section_radius=2750, sediment_bins=None, background=background, origin_idx=[3, 100]) # add this line to the same plot as above ax.plot( section_radii2, sedimentograph2[:, 1], # plot only the second bin (sandfrac > 0.5) 'o-') Using the sedimentograph to evaluate time distribution in subsurface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. plot:: :include-source: :context: close-figs time_bins = np.linspace(0, golfcube.t[-1], num=7) (time_sedimentograph, time_radii, _) = dm.strat.compute_sedimentograph( golfstrat['time'], num_sections=50, last_section_radius=2750, sediment_bins=time_bins, background=background, origin_idx=[3, 100]) import matplotlib cmap = matplotlib.colormaps['viridis'].resampled(6) cycler = matplotlib.cycler('color', cmap.colors) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler) lines = ax.plot( time_radii, time_sedimentograph, 'o-') ax.set_ylim(0, 1) time_bin_labels = [f"{time_bins[b]/1e6:.1f}--{time_bins[b+1]/1e6:.1f} million seconds" for b in np.arange(len(time_bins)-1)] ax.legend(lines, time_bin_labels) ax.set_xlabel('radial distance from apex (m)') ax.set_ylabel('stratigraphy fraction in time bin') References ~~~~~~~~~~ .. [1] Liang, M., Van Dyk, C., and Passalacqua, P. (2016), Quantifying the patterns and dynamics of river deltas under conditions of steady forcing and relative sea level rise, J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surf., 121, 465– 496, doi:10.1002/2015JF003653.