Aggradation and preserved time ------------------------------ Suppose we want to compute the effect of background aggradation on the preservation of time in a stratigraphic section. A simple way to do this would be to determine the fraction of model time intervals that are preserved in the stratigraphic section (:math:`F_t`) as: .. math:: F_t = 1/T \sum_{t=0}^T I(t) where :math:`t` is a time interval in the total number of intervals :math:`T` from the model time series, and :math:`I` is an indicator function taking a value of 1 if time interval :math:`t` is present in the section, and otherwise 0. We'll use the :obj:`~deltametrics.sample_data.aeolian` data set as an example here, and do stratigraphic calculation using the :obj:`~deltametrics.strat.compute_boxy_stratigraphy_volume` function. .. plot:: :include-source: :context: reset aeolian = dm.sample_data.aeolian() fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot([500, 500], [0, 2000], c='r', ls='--') aeolian.quick_show('eta', ax=ax, ticks=True, colorbar_label=True) ax.set_xlabel('dimension 2 [m]', fontsize=8) ax.set_ylabel('dimension 1 [m]', fontsize=8) ax.tick_params(labelsize=7) Using the :obj:`~deltametrics.strat.compute_boxy_stratigraphy_volume` function allows us to augment the bed elevation time series with a background aggradation. .. plot:: :include-source: :context: close-figs # define rates, in m/timestep agg_rates = [0, 0.01, 0.02] fig, ax = plt.subplots( len(agg_rates), 1, sharex=True, sharey=True) for i, ar in enumerate(agg_rates): # set up the aggradation array agg_array = np.tile( np.linspace(0, aeolian.shape[0]*ar, num=aeolian.shape[0]).reshape(-1, 1, 1), (1, aeolian.shape[1], aeolian.shape[2])) # compute stratigraphy for elevation timeseries plus aggradation vol, elev = dm.strat.compute_boxy_stratigraphy_volume( aeolian['eta']+agg_array, aeolian['time'], dz=0.1) # section index and calculation for preservation sec_idx = aeolian.shape[2] // 2 sec_data = vol[:, :, sec_idx] sec_data_flat = sec_data[~np.isnan(sec_data)] fraction_preserved = (len(np.unique(sec_data_flat)) / aeolian.shape[0]) # show a slice through the section im = ax[i].imshow( vol[:, :, sec_idx], extent=[0, aeolian.dim1_coords[-1], elev.min(), elev.max()], aspect='auto', origin='lower') cb = dm.plot.append_colorbar(im, ax=ax[i])['time']['time'].units, fontsize=8) # label ax[i].text( 20, 15, (f'aggration rate: {ar:} m/timestep\n' f'fraction time preserved: {fraction_preserved:}'), fontsize=7) for axi in ax.ravel(): axi.set_ylabel('elevation [m]', fontsize=8) axi.set_ylim(-5, 20) axi.tick_params(labelsize=7) ax[i].set_xlabel('along section [m]', fontsize=8)